Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sos Medical Bracelets

They're back!

My little ones are back and are more beautiful than before, the quiltatrice was very good and if you're interested the website of "The Bear's Paw" is HERE with the address of the shop Balù.

I was going to make quilting more than this:


Della quiltatura:

Then I remembered My very first quilt, which began in 2007 (I had to look at my old blog dates, reflecting see HERE) that because of the size I just could not quilt and I got a gift, I also brought him to make himself look good, so here it is again:

The reason for me is assolutamenta perfect

Another particular:

binding And now !!!!!!

great week!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Old Wide Awake Plantation Wedding

Brothers (knives?) Of Italy

Unit true and lasting of the nation is realized on the equal dignity and equal opportunities and equal rights and duties for all citizens and to all the territories. And 'our beautiful Constitution to affirm the principles contained in Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Constitutional principles consistently betrayed because unrealized especially in southern Italy, evaded by even earlier, for a total of one hundred and fifty long years now.
Distinguished economists and southerners have filled entire libraries, outlining the exploitation and plundering of the South has been in favor of other areas of the country.
A systematic plundering of resources made possible by the connivance of a beggar Southern politicians, with some bright and isolated exceptions, has always supported the interests of large industrial groups in the North and caste, in every part of Italy, enjoy privileges and enormous pensions parasitic position.
Choking, in fact, the weak legal economy of the South and undermining the fundamental rights of citizens of the southern poor.
Recently, thanks to the brave and documented book by April Pino ("Terroni") was brought to the attention of a wider audience annexationist and colonialist logic of Savoy, proven by the thousands of murders committed by Piedmontese troops. A book full of dates, numbers, scenarios that reveal historical truths carefully and systematically neglected by the texts adopted in schools, but even for this "cover-up, can not but arouse indignation.
And that reinforce the belief that for us now is the time of the southern stand up and demand with force by the State equal dignity and equal opportunities than any other Italian citizens.
Another way to create a real national unity simply and seriously does not exist. It is certainly not a simple path, given that the southern political class - which rules in local government and who sits in Parliament - is already using federalism in the approval process as another opportunity to depletion of the South
risk remaining colony of central and northern Italy for the next 150 years, then, is very high.
will avert possible only if each South will find the courage to reaffirm, in addition to their duties, their inalienable rights (health and environmental integrity at all), finding the dignity and pride of their origins and their own land, far, But the vulgar racism League dall'imbelle and complicity of those parties that need to govern the country.
A credible national identity as an Italian citizen (and the related sense of belonging to a common homeland) is impossible if, first, do not allow full awakening of the authentic identity "southern".
Identity explode in unison to the absence of the rule in the South: an absence that occurs in the terrible North-South divide that marks the daily lives of all Southerners. Especially not wealthy. Chasms that continue to make the South (think of our Basilicata) a land of emigration (for work, health, education, necessity) and exploitation.
Earth without hope and without identity? Only political authentically Southern, but especially with your back straight, may be obtained from Rome and from Central and North never grant what they spontaneously. Otherwise, one hundred and fifty years of "minority" economic, political and structural are behind us, we will re in the future.
citizens and citizens of central and northern South remain brothers "knives" and not "twins" of Italy.
Beyond dell'incessante drumming cloying rhetoric of celebration, March 17 would be significant for a southern party " the good sense to all those men and women who, despite the forces have suffered, migration endured every day create union and the common path through the problems that everyday life poses or through relations of solidarity that intertwine and create hope. E 'this unity. Every people has an earth-mother who can not escape to another agency " ( letter from Margaret Gaudiuso , migrated south since a few decades Bolzano, published last January in the Corriere della ' Alto Adige).

Francis Filippetti

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Symptoms Of Ruptured Vein In Hand

From Hiroshima Fukushima: Change the border of political realism

of Pino Cabras - Alternative.

"Earthquake in Japan, the alarm goes nuclear. 2000 people evacuated residents near the center of Fukushima. Umberto Veronesi provides his garden. "The fulminating bar appears on the site. A terrible earthquake, such as Japan, hitting the highest level in a country that bears all the contradictions of development more stringent, is an event that speaks to all companies and makes them think about their future. Talk to us in Italy. The most serious nuclear accident in Fukushima tells us unequivocally that such fraud of the "safe nuclear" is one of the most urgent issues to be unmasked. With the referendum we will have the chance. The current nuclear technology can not ignore geology, seismic risk between current and multigenerational management of intractable waste.

In fact no system of technology in general can ignore geology. The Japanese, living with a soil that reminds him often, they know better than others. An earthquake like the one on 11 March 2011, in other populated areas of the planet would have caused many more deaths and devastation. The culture of symbolic and material practices of society Japan are characterized by great attention to the cycles of nature. The institutions of the Tokugawa era (1603-1867) had understood such that deforestation was a serious problem and knew how to impose a ban on cutting trees indiscriminately, instead encouraging reforestation and turning the islands into one of the territories still best kept the world, although it has a high population density.

Tokugawa era is also "The Great Wave at Kanagawa coast of" the best-known work of Hokusai Katsushi and perhaps the most representative emblem Japanese fine arts. It was printed for the first time in the thirties of the nineteenth century, about 180 years ago, but I will not tell you why it is still proving very current, in the days of the tsunami.

As part of the momentum we see nature as it is rejected by the yin yang of the serene confidence of fishermen, small and miserable inside the cavity wave invincible, and yet resignedly experts. Do not oppose the wave, adapt the movement of their fragile boats. They know that human work is marked by a "impermanence." It is a slight gap between the life of mass fluctuations in the sea and the background of the volcano, mobile entities in their own way, terribly mobile, but permanently. The Japanese

preserve many of the practices of life related to these equilibria, but being among the major protagonists of the industrial development of the last 150 years, have diluted the irreconcilable contradictions of that growth that demands too much from Mother Earth. It so happens that maybe the people of Japan should be held so close to the immense forests of Hokkaido, the same day when Tokyo was still called Edo, but also create the charms of zen woodwork of their houses at the expense of forests in Indonesia. It happens that the trauma of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been translated in the search for nuclear safety standards than other countries, and yet fallible.

only exceeded the threshold in Hiroshima in 1945 changed the scale of rationality and realism. That was not the indomitable nature with which to strike a balance: it was the will to power of the old homo sapiens, the old beast territorial, violent and deforestation, is now able to destroy the world.

We Italians are certainly not in a position to give lessons to the Japanese. In speaking of our country, the playwright Marco Paolini states that it is a mountainous country that has a picture of himself on the plain. And so it is plagued by a misunderstanding of his identity disorienting and devastating, arranged in a chain of fatal disasters of the territory, all of them originate from a kind of reckless and willful removal of the true nature of the our soil. The identity of the ruling classes is entirely shaped by this conception of the territory. I find myself in what they have written long ago and Massimo Marino Badiale Bontempelli: "We need to choose which works to build the logic to prevent the further use of the territory and protect its integrity, focusing on the ongoing maintenance and minor adjustments of existing infrastructure, and therefore stopping all so-called great works, which serve only to start procurement, bribery and corruption, often to the benefit of the mafia. "

If after Hiroshima changed the meter that measures what it is very realistic in politics, after Fukushima (If it was not enough Chernobyl) changes the criterion for judging what is realistic in the economy. The "great works" suddenly appear even more foolish. The Moses of Venice, the TAV in Val di Susa, the Bridge over the Straits, the return to nuclear power, new skyscrapers in Milan, the motorway junction of the gutter, and more, all useless and harmful work, billions of euro each, should to horrify a serious leadership. Instead we have a caste, but without the illumination of the Shogun, who at least had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe common good

The Big Green Egg Table Ideas

Henrietta is back! Another quilt

E 'already the third block of Bunny Hill designs and so here again Henrietta in action:

Good Sunday!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Long Term Effects Of Whippets

Alternative to defend the Constitution

ALTERNATIVE joined the demonstration " In defense of the Constitution "to be held in Rome on March 12 because the central pillar that supports the entire system of political and cultural alternative is the strict and uncompromising defense and implementation of the Constitution, is established for the values \u200b\u200bin it and for practical purposes, political and social, resulting from its actual implementation.

notes with concern that the Constitution is often the subject of a verbal defense only, not substantive. Denounced as in the last fifteen years, the Constitution has been violated so serious by governments of different political hue.

the merits, to cite the most extreme cases:
Privatisation Wild 90s infringed ' Article 41 el' Article 43. The
led war in 1999 has breached the ' Article 11.
laws infringed on precarious ' Article 1 el' Article 4.
The school reforms have failed the 'Article 33 .
The known laws on the judiciary to steal control of the legality of the action have produced devastating effects and violated more than one article of the Constitution.
The appeal: The real defense of
constitutional become the inspiration of the many political battles that we must take to build a new society, more civilized and humane, and subtracted from the dictatorship of the market development. As required by the Constitution.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Most Effective Coyote Calls


This is my latest creation;) all guestbook ... a purely marine D
If you are interested, it changes depending on the theme and color of their marriage.
You can also contact me for a quote

The peculiarity of the shells made purely by hand;)

The inside of the front page;) ....

... and the following pages: D!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Is It Possible To Change Contract

First national seminar themed: Decrements

First national seminar of DIFFERENT U.S. and, to be held in Turin on 2 April.
It is an event of great importance. Decrease and we will discuss strategies for ending the crisis and for the work.
During the morning Maurizio Pallante (spokesman UED) and Marino Badiale (Secretary of alternatives) will be confronted with Giorgio Airaudo (national secretariat of the FIOM) and Marco Reve lli (essayist).
The discussion will be enriched by some evidence of "business decline," which highlights the experiences of producing environmentally friendly and able to grow jobs.
In the afternoon there will be a debate open to all.
You are all invited to be present and, if they deem it advisable to give the widest possible dissemination to the invitation, on websites, social networks and mailing lists. If you can communicate their participation in
Sign and spread our online petition against military action in Libya: No Italian soldier in Libya

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shou Wu Pian Hair Loss

Just wars and WORK! Against military intervention in Libya! Interview by Louis de

We have already made two expeditions were pretending that humanitarian military (Afghanistan and Iraq). A (voted by all parties against art. 11 of the Constitution) we're still fighting and we're losing.
I echo to our own warmongering warmongering overseas. The objective would be to bring "order", our order. And, of course, to get their hands on oil, as well as to establish control over the country. NATO is getting ready, but waiting for a reckless attack, Libya has already traveled far and wide by intelligence agents of the West.
comprised of the heads of the tribes are available. And in the meantime, as revealed by the same European and American newspapers, aircraft of various nationalities (British, French, and other unidentified countries) landing in the desert landing teams of commandos, emissaries, weapons, communication systems. We are already breaking the rules, by former owners of the world who claim to remain so. We
more trouble, this is easy to predict.
I invite the readers of this blog, those who share my concerns, to sign the petition against military action in Libya alternative promoted by the political and cultural laboratory that I founded. To sign the petition


Thanks for the help. I think this is the best way to defend our national interest, but also international law. Faced with a huge upsurge of people, in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other areas of the Middle East and North Africa, our duty is to understand the root causes and focus on our responsibilities as friends along course of dictators and torturers. Instead there are those who intends to dispose of other fuel to the fire. must be stopped before they do the irresponsible other damage.

Giulietto Church

Pain Inside Of Mouth On Cheek Wall

forward ...

The country continues quilt, the blocks are large and quite simple:

are really fun to make, in case you were tempted, go HERE .

good week!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Old Airstream Trailers For Sale

Mazzoccoli the rest to the regional coordinator of Alternative Basilicata

"a real alternative to the policy committee of business"

The first contact had been last November, when activists MateraCambia had learned of the birth of alternative political movement founded by former MEP Giulietto Church: they had discovered that his manifesto largely coincided with theirs, so as to jokingly threaten to sue for plagiarism. Then he had invited to the conference organized in the city in early December, the emblematic title "Political parties in crisis, a crisis of political parties: as an alternative?". And there were the basis for undertaking a journey together: this gave rise to alternative Basilicata, which in recent days has been appointed coordinator of the Water Francesco Matera (pictured) .
D - Dell'Acqua, how was your adherence to the political movement of the Church?
R - We began with MateraCambia active politics, but has a scope limited to purely local. We needed a national footing to give more publicity to our initiatives, but it was not possible with the traditional parties, now bent on themselves in a feudal system.
Q - But there is a risk that it will disperse the assets acquired in consensus so far in the city?
A - No, but why not leave MateraCambia doubles will continue to have independent living locally, but nationally will have a reference instead. In short we are a bit 'like the football fans of our city, who believe in this sport because they share the values \u200b\u200band support by both the subject and to Juve or Milan or interface. In fact, the Church is doing nationally what we do for a while 'in our territory covers issues that nobody talks about and opposed to the dominant political-business.
D - He reiterates at every opportunity that alternative is not left nor right nor center, but he continues to assert his being a communist, someone could be malign as it prepares for yet another "bush" in the system parties.
R - The very fact that not deny its origins is a sign of intellectual honesty. And then the issues that are dealt with do not really have political color: energy saving, environmental protection, sustainable economy affecting everyone, seek the common good. What the parties have now completely forgotten, reduced to mere business committees all taken to protect the interests of a few.
Q - But how do you plan to involve ordinary people, especially the many now completely disillusioned with politics
R - addressing real issues that concern everyone in everyday life. Meanwhile, we have joined the referendum campaign against water privatization: We will present our banquets in the square in the coming weeks. And then propose a model of sustainable economic development in our region can become a model of virtue. We have, for example, the excellent food and agriculture sector of metapontino but we import fruit from abroad, then paying more, we should instead eat the local produce more for export, leading to lower prices and a simultaneous increase in turnover of enterprises sector with possible new jobs. In general, we will fight to defend their territory against all forms of speculation, even the building now houses only serve low cost for the most disadvantaged.
D - Local institutions are sensitive to these issues?
R - It seems not. Moreover according to them it's all right here. In reality they only proclaim and describe a situation completely opposite to the real: they have mastered the art of communication. But people are more desperate now and starts to give him more credit. And we will try to implicate the real issues, but always with concrete proposals for possible solutions.

Louis Mazzoccoli

from The Rest of 26/02/2011

How Many Letters Fit On A Driver's License?

And two! Sophie

February is ending and we are on time, the second tile Serendipity is over

This for me was a bit 'more difficult than the first, I hope not to develop an allergy to the leaves, but this time it really ended up more!

Overall a great satisfaction and it is much easier if you complain, consulted and comment on the work that goes with a friend. So take a step Blog Cristina and enjoy the vision of his block!

good week!

.... I forgot, thanks to Vania which made the award to my blog, I now I should turn, but being true I take a little embarrassment 'of time to decide:) you're all too good!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Te Microgynon 30 Pill And Vomiting

The Jury rejects the spot of nuclearists!

E 'a victory for reason and truth, and we are pleased to have been the first to attack the lie of the spots pro-nuclear counter-commercials. The jury of self-publicity prompts you to withdraw the misleading message of nuclear weapons. We were right. Alternative
, MegaChannelZero , Megachip .
by .
The spots per nuclear Forum of Nuclear Italian , That of playing chess, it is misleading and should be stopped its spread. This was decided by the jury, which is the controlling body of the IAP (Institute of self-advertising). The spot when it was presented last December raised immediate protests from the message it conveys. They were then produced by many environmental groups a series of spoof or against -spot against the lies of nuclear .
For now, have not yet been filed motivations, you know, however, denied that the message is:
And you're for or against nuclear power or you do not have a position? -
Under article 2 (Misleading marketing communication) of the Code of Conduct, the jury ordered its termination.

Source: .

What Does An X Mean On Receipts


After a long time I returned to my blog:) .... I'm making more than 300 placeholder ... O_o ... it is obvious that further work is finished I'll show you;) .. by the time I show you a rice cone Music: D ... you can choose to have a purely personal knowledge with the colors and the theme of your marriage;)

For further information and quotes please contact me via e-mail

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Information On Cm Days Before Period

Giulietto Church of the Feltrinelli Bari

Giulietto Church presents the quarterly magazine of the COMETA Feltrinelli Bari A meeting, as usual, exciting and engaging.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snapper Z Rider Yard Cruiser

E 'Henrietta's friend:

good week!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Electric Bicyclewheels

Thank you!

To all of you, you are beautiful, because you are as happy as me that (when) my quilt is so Cast!

Thank you!

Today I show you another block, I started a third job, which is very unusual for me, my rule is never more than two, but you know, the rules are made to be broken :)

It 's a BOM started a little' time ago and I kept an eye on ever since, always with the desire to start ... well now I've done, making a little more original country.

The link to the blog of this talented designer can be found on the right hand column.

great week!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Cheapest Speedboat Available

Vote for me - Vote for me!

For the first time I entered a quilt in a competition on my line, as the argument has the HST and I joined him

If you want to vote for him is the link to vote:


The contest is managed by:

thank all those who vote and even those who do not will to be spent here!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fluid And Hardening Around The Heart

Wall ....... together is fantastic!!

As Cristina says , only miles between us and thanks to these websites do not count!

We love the same project and together we have dealt with some apprehension on my part, I admit, but two is easier to deal with things and so has already created the first block:

It 's the Serendipity Sampler Kim Diehl and can be found in the book Simply Conforts .

friend, a cafe and the Web, what more can you ask from a Saturday morning ?..... maybe an elf who do the cleaning for us:)

nice weekend!