Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Long Term Effects Of Whippets

Alternative to defend the Constitution

ALTERNATIVE joined the demonstration " In defense of the Constitution "to be held in Rome on March 12 because the central pillar that supports the entire system of political and cultural alternative is the strict and uncompromising defense and implementation of the Constitution, is established for the values \u200b\u200bin it and for practical purposes, political and social, resulting from its actual implementation.

notes with concern that the Constitution is often the subject of a verbal defense only, not substantive. Denounced as in the last fifteen years, the Constitution has been violated so serious by governments of different political hue.

the merits, to cite the most extreme cases:
Privatisation Wild 90s infringed ' Article 41 el' Article 43. The
led war in 1999 has breached the ' Article 11.
laws infringed on precarious ' Article 1 el' Article 4.
The school reforms have failed the 'Article 33 .
The known laws on the judiciary to steal control of the legality of the action have produced devastating effects and violated more than one article of the Constitution.
The appeal: The real defense of
constitutional become the inspiration of the many political battles that we must take to build a new society, more civilized and humane, and subtracted from the dictatorship of the market development. As required by the Constitution.


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