Saturday, March 12, 2011

Symptoms Of Ruptured Vein In Hand

From Hiroshima Fukushima: Change the border of political realism

of Pino Cabras - Alternative.

"Earthquake in Japan, the alarm goes nuclear. 2000 people evacuated residents near the center of Fukushima. Umberto Veronesi provides his garden. "The fulminating bar appears on the site. A terrible earthquake, such as Japan, hitting the highest level in a country that bears all the contradictions of development more stringent, is an event that speaks to all companies and makes them think about their future. Talk to us in Italy. The most serious nuclear accident in Fukushima tells us unequivocally that such fraud of the "safe nuclear" is one of the most urgent issues to be unmasked. With the referendum we will have the chance. The current nuclear technology can not ignore geology, seismic risk between current and multigenerational management of intractable waste.

In fact no system of technology in general can ignore geology. The Japanese, living with a soil that reminds him often, they know better than others. An earthquake like the one on 11 March 2011, in other populated areas of the planet would have caused many more deaths and devastation. The culture of symbolic and material practices of society Japan are characterized by great attention to the cycles of nature. The institutions of the Tokugawa era (1603-1867) had understood such that deforestation was a serious problem and knew how to impose a ban on cutting trees indiscriminately, instead encouraging reforestation and turning the islands into one of the territories still best kept the world, although it has a high population density.

Tokugawa era is also "The Great Wave at Kanagawa coast of" the best-known work of Hokusai Katsushi and perhaps the most representative emblem Japanese fine arts. It was printed for the first time in the thirties of the nineteenth century, about 180 years ago, but I will not tell you why it is still proving very current, in the days of the tsunami.

As part of the momentum we see nature as it is rejected by the yin yang of the serene confidence of fishermen, small and miserable inside the cavity wave invincible, and yet resignedly experts. Do not oppose the wave, adapt the movement of their fragile boats. They know that human work is marked by a "impermanence." It is a slight gap between the life of mass fluctuations in the sea and the background of the volcano, mobile entities in their own way, terribly mobile, but permanently. The Japanese

preserve many of the practices of life related to these equilibria, but being among the major protagonists of the industrial development of the last 150 years, have diluted the irreconcilable contradictions of that growth that demands too much from Mother Earth. It so happens that maybe the people of Japan should be held so close to the immense forests of Hokkaido, the same day when Tokyo was still called Edo, but also create the charms of zen woodwork of their houses at the expense of forests in Indonesia. It happens that the trauma of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been translated in the search for nuclear safety standards than other countries, and yet fallible.

only exceeded the threshold in Hiroshima in 1945 changed the scale of rationality and realism. That was not the indomitable nature with which to strike a balance: it was the will to power of the old homo sapiens, the old beast territorial, violent and deforestation, is now able to destroy the world.

We Italians are certainly not in a position to give lessons to the Japanese. In speaking of our country, the playwright Marco Paolini states that it is a mountainous country that has a picture of himself on the plain. And so it is plagued by a misunderstanding of his identity disorienting and devastating, arranged in a chain of fatal disasters of the territory, all of them originate from a kind of reckless and willful removal of the true nature of the our soil. The identity of the ruling classes is entirely shaped by this conception of the territory. I find myself in what they have written long ago and Massimo Marino Badiale Bontempelli: "We need to choose which works to build the logic to prevent the further use of the territory and protect its integrity, focusing on the ongoing maintenance and minor adjustments of existing infrastructure, and therefore stopping all so-called great works, which serve only to start procurement, bribery and corruption, often to the benefit of the mafia. "

If after Hiroshima changed the meter that measures what it is very realistic in politics, after Fukushima (If it was not enough Chernobyl) changes the criterion for judging what is realistic in the economy. The "great works" suddenly appear even more foolish. The Moses of Venice, the TAV in Val di Susa, the Bridge over the Straits, the return to nuclear power, new skyscrapers in Milan, the motorway junction of the gutter, and more, all useless and harmful work, billions of euro each, should to horrify a serious leadership. Instead we have a caste, but without the illumination of the Shogun, who at least had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe common good


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