Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Te Microgynon 30 Pill And Vomiting

The Jury rejects the spot of nuclearists!

E 'a victory for reason and truth, and we are pleased to have been the first to attack the lie of the spots pro-nuclear counter-commercials. The jury of self-publicity prompts you to withdraw the misleading message of nuclear weapons. We were right. Alternative
, MegaChannelZero , Megachip .
by .
The spots per nuclear Forum of Nuclear Italian , That of playing chess, it is misleading and should be stopped its spread. This was decided by the jury, which is the controlling body of the IAP (Institute of self-advertising). The spot when it was presented last December raised immediate protests from the message it conveys. They were then produced by many environmental groups a series of spoof or against -spot against the lies of nuclear .
For now, have not yet been filed motivations, you know, however, denied that the message is:
And you're for or against nuclear power or you do not have a position? -
Under article 2 (Misleading marketing communication) of the Code of Conduct, the jury ordered its termination.

Source: .


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