Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sos Medical Bracelets

They're back!

My little ones are back and are more beautiful than before, the quiltatrice was very good and if you're interested the website of "The Bear's Paw" is HERE with the address of the shop Balù.

I was going to make quilting more than this:


Della quiltatura:

Then I remembered My very first quilt, which began in 2007 (I had to look at my old blog dates, reflecting see HERE) that because of the size I just could not quilt and I got a gift, I also brought him to make himself look good, so here it is again:

The reason for me is assolutamenta perfect

Another particular:

binding And now !!!!!!

great week!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Old Wide Awake Plantation Wedding

Brothers (knives?) Of Italy

Unit true and lasting of the nation is realized on the equal dignity and equal opportunities and equal rights and duties for all citizens and to all the territories. And 'our beautiful Constitution to affirm the principles contained in Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Constitutional principles consistently betrayed because unrealized especially in southern Italy, evaded by even earlier, for a total of one hundred and fifty long years now.
Distinguished economists and southerners have filled entire libraries, outlining the exploitation and plundering of the South has been in favor of other areas of the country.
A systematic plundering of resources made possible by the connivance of a beggar Southern politicians, with some bright and isolated exceptions, has always supported the interests of large industrial groups in the North and caste, in every part of Italy, enjoy privileges and enormous pensions parasitic position.
Choking, in fact, the weak legal economy of the South and undermining the fundamental rights of citizens of the southern poor.
Recently, thanks to the brave and documented book by April Pino ("Terroni") was brought to the attention of a wider audience annexationist and colonialist logic of Savoy, proven by the thousands of murders committed by Piedmontese troops. A book full of dates, numbers, scenarios that reveal historical truths carefully and systematically neglected by the texts adopted in schools, but even for this "cover-up, can not but arouse indignation.
And that reinforce the belief that for us now is the time of the southern stand up and demand with force by the State equal dignity and equal opportunities than any other Italian citizens.
Another way to create a real national unity simply and seriously does not exist. It is certainly not a simple path, given that the southern political class - which rules in local government and who sits in Parliament - is already using federalism in the approval process as another opportunity to depletion of the South
risk remaining colony of central and northern Italy for the next 150 years, then, is very high.
will avert possible only if each South will find the courage to reaffirm, in addition to their duties, their inalienable rights (health and environmental integrity at all), finding the dignity and pride of their origins and their own land, far, But the vulgar racism League dall'imbelle and complicity of those parties that need to govern the country.
A credible national identity as an Italian citizen (and the related sense of belonging to a common homeland) is impossible if, first, do not allow full awakening of the authentic identity "southern".
Identity explode in unison to the absence of the rule in the South: an absence that occurs in the terrible North-South divide that marks the daily lives of all Southerners. Especially not wealthy. Chasms that continue to make the South (think of our Basilicata) a land of emigration (for work, health, education, necessity) and exploitation.
Earth without hope and without identity? Only political authentically Southern, but especially with your back straight, may be obtained from Rome and from Central and North never grant what they spontaneously. Otherwise, one hundred and fifty years of "minority" economic, political and structural are behind us, we will re in the future.
citizens and citizens of central and northern South remain brothers "knives" and not "twins" of Italy.
Beyond dell'incessante drumming cloying rhetoric of celebration, March 17 would be significant for a southern party " the good sense to all those men and women who, despite the forces have suffered, migration endured every day create union and the common path through the problems that everyday life poses or through relations of solidarity that intertwine and create hope. E 'this unity. Every people has an earth-mother who can not escape to another agency " ( letter from Margaret Gaudiuso , migrated south since a few decades Bolzano, published last January in the Corriere della ' Alto Adige).

Francis Filippetti