Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thyroid Cysts And Lyme Disease

Last quilt of 2010

finished the last day of the year

The picture is hideous I know, but he has a black base, I had to hang it in the darkest part of the library because I have more room (4 quilt hanging is too much even for my mega bookstore!) And do not even do it on purpose there is one ray of sunshine. I tried to get closer, but even so the colors do not make it:

will refer in the book in the spring, once quilted:)

The model is free and can be found on MBS , I have slightly modified the recipe, I took out the yards, and added a layer cake and a solid black desset roll, fancy fabrics are line Migration by Holly Taylor for Moda.

OPTIONS are obviously a lot of HST (half square triangle) and I took the opportunity to leap to my first application .... but this will be another post!

Good witch!!


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