Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Internet Speeds In 2020

Halloween ... recovery! Halloween

There is a song that says "I do not have the age, for how I feel in these last two days I should turn it into" I do not 'age', we had fun crazy Sunday night, but the small hours and debauchery are paid and so I choose a little something easy to do, that did not require the commitment of both my neurons still working:)

wander through the blog I saw a nice way to use cloth with decorated borders at home and having a yard of fabric a nice Christmas I told myself it was time to get down to work and create a Tablerunner:

With a scrap sottoteiera:

With the center of the cloth, I did the back of both:

Who has not suffered the effects of the festival was the mom who created this beautiful cloth bag of wool:

The terracotta tile is his work!

quiltatura The closer:

In my personal budget I can say that this holiday season you are just good for the mood, a little 'less for the physical)

good week!


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