Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Best Budget Receiver 2009

Bari 15 March 2008 against all the mafia!

On March 15 in Bari were many.

We were all a lot. Many tens of thousands of people marched in that parade, along the same road, under the same sun and with the same difficulties. As was common path that has been physically beaten that morning, so it can be assumed, so is ideal. What puts us all walking together with shared values, for a purpose that is all, all gathered Saturday to do the same thing in practice, and to send a message to the country, ideally in life all together, assuming that actual behavior in little of each, help to achieve the goal.

I like to think that if each of these Saturday was personally asked "You really believe that the mob can be defeated?", everyone would answer "yes". It is certainly not my own discovery, in fact, that the fight against the Mafia is made up of two parts that have to coexist, and indeed, interpenetrate and give strength to each other. One is that of institutions: politics and the judiciary. The other is that of the people. Of all the people who believe, who do not want to surrender. Well, they have few weapons in hand, but between actions that can be made, an important, perhaps the most significant is that of making its voice heard loud.

Of being seen, the cry of the launch (as always) just a sign of presence: we are here and we are against mafia.Come I said, the two phases of the battle can not be separated. What is important is never to lose confidence in its entirety in our struggle. I hope and believe that, although to a lesser degree than it deserved, and Commitment Memorial Day just past, something has left. He must have done. E 'already a good thing that the Sunday papers have devoted a page to this rather than Olindo and Rosa. I mentioned before even the specific conduct that we, the anti-mafia people, we must take every day. We must try to live Live for the legality, not to be overly legalistic or for good, but to take positive behaviors that are also an example to others.

And more importantly, to control the other phase of the battle: the institutional challenge. Who fights the mafia from the buildings must feel our breath on my neck! They must have the perception that people increasingly want things cambino.E where we find the strength to go on? Not to give up even when all the defeats and disappointments seem to plunge blindly in front of the nose? Like a dog chasing its tail, this energy is in the image on the Sabbath, still clear in our eyes. The human tide "in a spirit peace and courage of war "was there to not give up.

E 'in this sense should be understood that the invitation of Don Ciotti her hands dirty. Get your hands dirty is to speak, denounce, going against the behavior, people boycott situations and ambiguous reality. Do what we do in fact. Click the border to boost anti-Mafia press and also to sistema.Avanti so.


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