Monday, October 8, 2007

Blue Dress Shirt With White Collar And Cuff

a special man, a loving father

Memories of Che's daughter:

" I confess that in 20 years I questioned my love for dad. Like every young woman I wondered why I loved my father because I had not benefited from his presence, and most of the things I know I have known him through his friends and comrades. So I came to the conclusion that the least I could do was love the man for his human stature. I then tried to recall I remember that little remained for them day by day larger, closer to me, to come to establish a close bond with my father and staff.

[...] There is an image of him that I remember. Mom and Dad are in a room, the mother is holding my newborn baby brother Ernesto, daddy strokes his little head which must have been the tenderness he showed why a 4 and a half years as I remember it! And this is what strikes me.
Many people think that he was an adventurer who left Cuba and other lands was what he needed and wanted. Of course I needed it, but not the spirit of adventure, but because as a young man he had met the American continent and for him it was urgent, was a primary commitment, to improve the lives of human beings.

[...] I want to tell the last time we saw it. I do not recognize him, because he was preparing to become unrecognizable to go to Bolivia. Mom took us to dinner with an old friend of him, a self-styled English called Ramon. At least for me, being the daughter remembers him more, was a special night, because what happened that night marked my life. [...]

After dinner, the four of us kids we started to play. At one point I lost my balance and I I took a nasty bump on a marble table banging, and my father took me into his arms, and was so tender that I - despite not having recognized - I knew it was a special person. The adults continued to talk, but I wanted to confide a secret to her mother. When I finally was allowed to stop them I could tell her, "Mom, I believe that this man is in love with me." It was a terrible thing. Now you can laugh, but think about the difficult time that I go to my father. Why is it certain that he wanted to take me and hold me in his arms and tell me he loved me, because I was his daughter. But he could not do it in any way, was about to leave, he had already prepared, he could not do what he wanted, because first of all was the duty, his engagement with others, and later, much later, were his personal needs.

This is one of the best things about this man and that he had sent all of us. "


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