Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Why Buy A Map For A Tomtom

LNG terminal? ... No thanks!

was time that the Ministry of Economic Development to send a note to the Brindisi LNG company (British Gas) and local authorities to Brindisi in which he communicates the start procedure aimed at the suspension of the authorization for the construction and operation, issued by decree of January 21, 2003, the LNG receiving terminal for liquefied natural gas in Brindisi.

The decision - as it became known - was adopted in response to the reasoned opinion expressed by the European Commission last July 18 in which, in relation to the construction of the regasification terminal in Brindisi, it is stated that the Italian has failed to obligations imposed by EU directives on environmental impact assessment and control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances.

The procedure is aimed at the suspension of the authorization "to avoid - it is said in the note from the ministry - that further work may alter environmental conditions, with the risk of prejudicing any future action to mitigate the impacts and to put the Italian State to penalties in the Community. "

The Brindisi LNG may submit statements of "the content will be considered - is added to the note from the ministry - in the definition of the suspension." The proceedings will conclude within 40 days.


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