Sunday, May 20, 2007

Does 100 Lb Hitting Bag Weigh 100 Lb?

5 to 1 LVC Finals

Luna Rossa flies!

Italy after seven years back in the finals of the Louis Vuitton Cup, which is the match that starting June 1, will offer a place to go to challenge Alinghi, about three weeks away, for the trophy that's most prestigious sailing, the America's Cup.

Italy reached the final again with Luna Rossa and Francesco De Angelis, who in the past 7 years has transformed the Cup on a mission to complete. He was the February 14, 2000 - when Luna Rossa America One reached the final of the challengers - an Italian boat that does not reach so high in the oldest and most famous sailing competition of the world.

Luna Rossa appeared solid, practical, ruthless, the Americans sank one day after another, proving the value of the project set up by De Angelis on the ashes of defeat in 2002. Since then 17 December 2002, De Angelis has taken James Spithill, helmsman, who had removed with One World, a windless day in the Hauraki Gulf.


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