Monday, July 21, 2008

What Effect Does Steroids Do To The Bladder

Hangover of a Midsummer Night's

It took .. evening male hard and pure. A reunion was missing far too long between us humans / animals. Opportunity to meet again after so long, getting a chat and drink a little something in the company .. (We'll talk about that "little bit later ..). The high school years seem increasingly distant but the essence of each of us has remained untouched.

Let's go with order, the evening has its own theme:" T anger rough out your hand ..! . "Each participant was to equip themselves for the evening gala dress, ie white singlet and thongs ..
The appointment was at 20 from me, will only call the old saint, a member alas apparently less close-knit group of old scoundrels .. sin.

Participants begin with a Durex pumped well, mane shaved in the usual way and the desire to amaze as always.
Pex , fitted with a PlayStation 3 and the usual paranoia, politics and the knight its axis.
Paul the perverse mind of the group.
Biondo, good for any evening, a man's world as a few still in circulation ..
Checco, the new graduate with more crap in the barrel.
Tony , known in the blog as exurge domine, loyal companion of clothing, healthy drinks, healthy crap .. The undersigned
, alert on possible madness of the guests and always with a fire extinguisher close at hand ..

The evening will begin with a light appetizer or a spritz that, let me tell you, it was fabulous! Enough heavy appetizers and pizza Office of Peter Pan, a guarantee. A company
us too, the blonde ..

The evening continues alternating funny noise and bullshit. It 's always our Biondo to capture our attention, his adventures have become legendary highway, not even a pin can stop him. We tasted the
moto gp seasoned by fire of Meda and are glad when Stoner fell with the style of a child riding his tricycle. This does not diminish the company's Doctor . During the race
alcohol already flowing through the veins, but no one would have expected a ' exhibition of so much majesty by Checco .
things first, some photos to understand the spirit of the evening :

The safety curtain
the highlight of the evening , or what in technical jargon is referred to as "The Trojan . protagonist, author and director Checco our favorite.
Foreword, the boy apparently lacked lucidity, we see why:

fotosequenza The following shows the preparation and implementation of Cazzato .

You try again, the star is not fully satisfied , so the crew change location:

The result seems great, but our hero will still be in one piece?

Yes, here it is!

What can I say, wonderful evening, we hope to replicate in the future all be together again. Thanks guys, MYTHICAL!