Saturday, June 30, 2007

How To Make A Homemade Space Shuttle Model


will really be a revolution in mobile telephony? or just a product of great marketing?

We'll see .. and listen ... Back to

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Do You Have To Be A Certain Age To Buy A Lighte

a small critical mass in Bari

Bari "Pedals in the Night"

night life group on the bike every Thursday through the streets of the city in July and August. At the premiere, Thursday 6, also in the municipal councilor bike traffic Antonio Decaro. The appointment is for all the 21 in Piazza del Ferrarese bicycles in good condition
"Pedals in the Night," yet another edition.

Thursday, July 6 to 21 in Piazza del Ferrarese, returns to the usual summer meeting also offered to non-members by the "Fiab Ruotalibera Bari" and edited by Franco socio Rondinone.L 'goal is to give to those who want the 'occasion, finished the commitments of the day, to go out cycling together with other urban cyclists reclaiming the streets increasingly congested by cars, and inviting many others to do the same Bari. Is usually to go to work or running errands, both in their free time to go get ice cream, see a concert or go to the movies.

Every cyclist in a car is more Off! At the premiere of the 2006 Night of the pedals, there is also a cyclist friend of "Bari Ruotalibera" means the traffic commissioner of the City, Mr. . Anthony Decaro. Cycling along the streets of the city, and check the conditions of transit routes for bikes, the occasion will also be useful to take stock of the situation on the initiatives in the short, medium and long-term municipal administration to promote the urban cycle transport.

The bike does not consume and produce no emissions, not cluttered and makes no noise: a means for defining ecological and energy efficient. The improved bicycle traffic, environment, health and mood. And then: let a barrier leg pedaling, voices that call, the bells that win? Asphalt! For a day of riappropriamoci our streets! The desert for a day? Car! We try to put in the minority? Canned four wheels?, I? Dictators of the crosses? the critical mass of people who are always at the wheel every day and imposes its law noise exhaust gas, the danger. Inside each envelope sheet is a cyclist who wants to get out! You do not have nothing else to do but take the bike and join us!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro Software

.. 1900 ... 2007 ... is the same!

"Individuality will face increasing difficulty, unless the most intelligent public opinion is not in a position to perceive the value of it is good to see that there are differences, even if such differences do not lead to improvement, or even when someone may seem because of worsening .[...] The claim that all men should resemble each other is enlarged because of what it eats. If ' opposition expected that life is 'almost' reduced to a single uniform, then any deviation from that model will be considered impious, immoral, even monstrous and contrary to natura.Gli men soon become unable to conceive diversity for some time when they lost used to see her. "

( John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1869)

taken from blog of Gigia bucci

Saturday, June 23, 2007

What Does The University Of Iowa Provide

The Eve of St. John in Bari

The Eve of St. John in Bari and environs is an event but rather far from the sacred very close to the profane ... in fact all the families who have a John at home, and even those who do not, opened June 23 'u' askr "to all the relatives for a memorable dinner.

You may wonder what is "u 'askr" ... well it is a typical terrace house or just the larger balcony and hospitable that you own, but are not disdained even the white streets of our beautiful city centers or promenades of the coastal immense.

Obviously Eve St. John has been selected by tradition as the gateway to the summer period and therefore ideal for outdoor dining but also because these days they reach the peak of their ripeness components essential to the success of the dinner, namely mythical kllumb "or better" Fioroni "Bari!

The main feature of this type of figs is just the fact that they mature much earlier than their more famous similar and also have much larger than these, then, with a higher content of sweet pulp that make them delicious to palate.

Another basic component of the dinner is a first course 'the cavatidd ch' and the ruc rrcott "or cavatelli with arugula and ricotta hard, tradition has it that pasta is fresh and homemade by our beautiful housewives on the classic "ttavlir" ie polished wood bases suitable for mixing and producing by scouring with a knife or the tip of the index finger is the most famous cavatelli "dragged" or orecchiette

All washed down with one of our great wines of table or Salento strictly cold even if it is red ... we know it is very hot and even though our terraces June 23 expiry of a Levantine sweet and fresh ... not bad drinks served should be strictly fresh!

It 'important that in this magical evening, the main elements should unfailingly ... especially those that make dinner ... you could also do without him or her that have the name of John but fioroni or Cavatelli with arugula just not!

But in all seriousness on the evening of June 23 of each year has been for centuries a get-together of all the families and I think it's important for the rediscovery of spaces and places rarely visited during the year such as terraces or better yet the streets and promenades of our beautiful land of Puglia.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Western Sayings About Love

Comprateci also the soul ... we pay good ...!

E 'approved June 1, 2007 the House of Representatives amendment to Bersani Bill containing the provision for a moratorium on the processes of privatization of water. L' amendment provides Accordingly, pending adoption of new legislation, implementing the decrees of the remedial decree environment on the management of integrated water services, to suspend all credit facilities to private parties, including those currently in progress ... hopefully good ... the soul is not saved but when?